"I will proclaim your mighty acts, O sovereign Lord." Psalm 71:16
BEFORE DELIVERANCE AND HEALING showing the strong "gates of brass and bars of iron" behind my eyes and around my mind requiring the power of JESUS CHRIST to defeat.
12 & 19 JANUARY 2025
AFTER DELIVERANCE AND HEALING picture taken at 6.15 a.m. at Derby Station 5 days after Jesus set me free - on my way to show Tina "her new man."
CLICK BELOW TO SEE AND HEAR HOW THE LORD JESUS CHRIST SET JAMES FREE AFTER 26 LONG YEARS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA When God heals and sets free it lasts For Part 1 click the left image below: 15,651 views Part 2 click the right image below: 9,644 views
THIS WEEK’S SELECTED BIBLE READING IS MARK’S GOSPEL CHAPTER 1: Key Verses 21-28 Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit:
They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law. Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an evil spirit cried out, “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are – the Holy One of God!” “Be quiet!” said Jesus sternly. “Come out of him!” The evil spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek. The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, “What is this? A new teaching – and with authority! He even gives orders to evil spirits and they obey him.” News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee. 32-34 Jesus Heals Many: That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed. The whole town gathered at the door, and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. He also drove out many demons, but he would not let the demons speak because they knew who he was. 35-39 Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place: Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!” Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else – to the nearby villages – so that I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” So he travelled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.
The early encounter with God is a must for every Christian believer wanting to defeat the Satanic bondage of schizophrenia.
You are not the same without it! Regular, early morning prayer and contact with God will empower your life with strong spiritual resolve to obtain freedom.
I want to challenge you to seek God and to seek Him early. If this Encourager is registered by the Holy Spirit into your heart and mind, and you begin to receive the benefits of meeting God early, it will have been well worth it.
Let’s focus on Psalm 63:1-2 where David says: “O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary.” (Authorized King James Version).
David had a real hunger, thirst and desire which moved him to seek God early. Despite his shortcomings, we readily admit that he was a man after God’s own heart.
Because of his determination to seek God’s face early in the day, this resolve advanced and strengthened his desire to seek God at other times. David really loved the Lord and was a man of prayer.
Scripture suggests that it was a pattern of David’s devotional life to seek God early, and, as he kept up the discipline, he enjoyed numerous benefits, the greatest of which was that HE FOUND GOD.
In battling against schizophrenia for 26 years, it was the discipline of seeking God and finding Him that inspired endurance to keep fighting the demonic enemy. Consider how much your life would be filled with hope and strength if you could learn this glorious lesson of getting into the Presence of God first thing in the day. Taking the Word of God with you to build up faith, you would be equipped to defeat schizophrenia, without a doubt.
When David FOUND GOD through seeking him, he entered into real, vital fellowship which prepared him for whatever a day would present to him.
He got out of bed early for no other reason than to meet God Himself. He realized, as we need to, that every new day must have time to allow God to touch our lives – and so it was for an encounter with God that he often cut short his sleep.
He proved the reality of the many promises in the Word of God that those who seek God with their whole heart shall find Him. (see Jeremiah 29:13, Matthew 7: 7-8).
This blessing and importance of having an early morning encounter and quiet time with God is not in question. But how many Christians have established such a meeting place with God as a regular habit of their devotional life?
Is it asking too much of you battling with schizophrenia to make the effort to seek God early in the morning? You may say: “Remember, I am on medication and at present unable to work at even a part-time job. How can I muster the will to have a quiet time with God in the morning?”
If you are really serious in your desire to become free and get your life back, you MUST have an encounter with God. Without meeting Him, you do not possess the strength and power to defeat a Satanic bondage around your mind. But armed with the strength of Jesus you do!
A Christian without schizophrenia may have no desire, sad to say, to live in the reality of knowing the love of Jesus. He has yet to discover the beauty and joy of being in the presence of God. Therefore, his life is less than half-hearted and passive in its surrender to Jesus.
But you are in a crisis situation where your life is held in bondage and you need to seek God at any cost. The passivity that is entrenched in your mind has got to be broken and overcome through the power of faith and the working of Holy Spirit living within you. Your life has got to have a strategy to get free – one of getting into the Presence of God and absorbing the knowledge of His Word to be used in taking command of your life.
It is one thing to agree that you would be better equipped to fight and defeat schizophrenia if you met the Lord each morning, but that thought should move you (and conquer your passive will) to seek God in reality.
For there is a world of a difference between the Christian suffering with schizophrenia who wants to get free and “rises and shines” to meet His Maker and he who crawls out of bed with no desire at all.
If we need a greater pattern of prayer than David, we see it in Jesus Himself. If there was anyone who could dispense with prayer first thing in the morning, it was our wonderful Saviour. But He rated it of such importance that we find Him regularly engaged in desiring communion with His Father.
Before the day’s activities were at the door and needy souls were enlisting His help, He could be found in communion with His Heavenly Father.
If Jesus needed fresh contact with His Father each morning, how much more do such powerless creatures as we are, we who call ourselves His disciples! Who knows the preciousness of those times Jesus had with His Father? When you have contact with God and allow Him to draw near, you are moving to owning the victory He obtained on the Cross for you.
If early morning contact and communion with His Father strengthened and equipped Jesus in the eternal purpose of going to the Cross and finishing the work of salvation for you and me – then a glorious encounter with God each day will enable you to fight the good fight and go on to defeat the bondage of schizophrenia in your life for good.
FINAL WORDS: Quotes from two great Christian men who discovered the power of life-changing, early morning prayer: First, E. M. Bounds, whose books on prayer still stir believing-Christians: “A desire for God which cannot break the chains of sleep is a weak thing and will do but little good for God after it has indulged itself fully. The desire for God that keeps so far behind the devil and the world at the beginning of the day will never catch up. It is not simply the getting up that puts men to the front and makes them captain generals in God’s hosts, but it is the ardent desire which stirs and breaks all self-indulgent chains.”
Robert Murray McCheyne, of Scotland, knew he ought to be early at prayer. “I ought to pray before seeing anyone. Often when I sleep long or meet with others early, it is eleven or 12 o’clock before I begin secret prayer. This is a wretched system. It is UNSCRIPTURAL. Christ arose before day and went into a solitary place. David says: “'Early will I seek thee.'” “'Thou shalt early hear my voice.'” I can do no good to those who come to seek from me. The conscience feels guilty, the soul unfed, the lamp not trimmed. Then, when in secret prayer the soul is often out of tune. I feel it is far better to begin with God – to see His face first, to get my soul near Him before it is near another.” Rectifying the matter, he writes: “Rose early to seek God, and found Him whom my soul loveth. Who would not rise early to meet such company?"
A day begun well with the Lord Jesus Christ is a day going swell...
The purpose of bringing out a Freedom Encourager for the past 14 years is to highlight the promised hope there is in the Lord Jesus Christ defeating schizophrenia. Our Weekly Encourager files between 2010 and 2023 contain scriptural advice, insight and help designed to give encouragement to those like yourself struggling for long sought-after freedom – so do make use of the facility provided, asking God to reveal His truth to you from the various messages. May He richly provide all you need to bring you out of the prison house of schizophrenia into His most glorious freedom!! HE IS ABLE!!
Let me no more my comfort draw, From my frail hold of Thee. In this alone rejoice with awe, THY MIGHTY GRASP OF ME!
John Campbell Sharp (1819-1885)
And every virtue we possess, And every conquest won, And every thought of holiness, ARE HIS ALONE.
Harriet Auber (1773-1862)
Not unto us, O LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness. Psalm 115, verse 1
IF YOU HAVE NEVER INVITED JESUS CHRIST INTO YOUR LIFE, AND WISH TO, DO PRAY THE FOLLOWING PRAYER WITH ALL YOUR HEART: “Lord God Almighty, I approach you in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. I know I have sinned in my thoughts, words and actions. There are so many good things I have not done. There are so many sinful things I have done. I am truly sorry for the sinfulness in my life, but most of all I acknowledge the sin that separates me from you. I accept the death of Jesus on the Cross to redeem me and extend the gift of eternal life. Gratefully, I give my life back to you as I now ask you to come into my life. Come in as my Saviour and Lord and cleanse me. Come in as my Lord to control me. Come with the strength of your grace and the power of your Spirit to defeat the evil spirit of schizophrenia that troubles me. Now you have set my spirit free, pour your delivering and healing power into my life as I take authority in the name of Jesus through the power of his blood over the intruding force. I assert your ownership of my life and resist any legal right that the devil seeks to hold over my life and bind up and expel any evil presence. I believe that my mind can be completely set free and my whole life enjoy the total freedom of Jesus. Amen".
Leonard Ravenhill: Travailing In Prayer
LENGTH: 54:53
Born in Leeds, in Yorkshire, England, on June 18, 1907 and author of the revival classic, "Why Revival Tarries", Ravenhill was educated at Cliff College in England and sat under the ministry of Samuel Chadwick. He was a student of church history, with a particular interest in Christian revival. His evangelistic meetings during the Second World War drew large crowds. Many converts devoted themselves to Christian ministry and foreign missions.
Ian McCormack was an atheist, living a totally worldly lifestyle, when he got stung by 5 deadly jellyfish, died and went to hell, then to heaven, due to his Christian mother's prayers, and back! Ian was night diving off the island of Mauritius when he was stung by 5 Box Jellyfish, which are among the most venomous creatures in the world.
Length: 52 minutes, 32 seconds
"The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ" by Billy Graham
Two URGENT WAKE-UP CALL videos from Anne Graham Lotz...
in which Anne Graham Lotz discusses the Key To America’s Future being in national repentance and “the bottom line is for people to get right with God.” Asked if she thought we were in the end-times, she replied: “We are in the end of the end times” stating that the birth pains are all around us calling for urgent prayer for America.
(Click on the image below to watch the video on YouTube)
in which Anne rouses people to see around them in the present world all the signs that are the prelude of the RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH when the Lord Jesus Christ is returning for His redeemed people and takes them to heaven. “We need to know what time it is in human history as we see all of these things converging. How can we not see what is going on?” JESUS IS COMING – so you need to receive God's Son through faith as you ask Him to forgive you and cleanse you of sin before He returns and so make sure of knowing His free gift of eternal salvation. To delay giving Christ your life, will be too late when He comes. For believers "now is the time to watch and work for Jesus."
(Click on the image below to watch the video on YouTube)
A meditation by C H Spurgeon
Christian, take good care of thy faith, for recollect that faith is the only means whereby thou canst obtain blessings. Prayer cannot draw down answers from God’s throne except it be the earnest prayer of the man who believes.
Faith is the telegraphic wire which links earth to Heaven, on which God messages of love fly so fast that before we call He answers, and while we are yet speaking He hears us. But if that telegraphic wire of faith be snapped, how can we obtain the promise?
Am I in trouble? I can obtain help for trouble by faith. Am I beaten by the enemy? My soul on her dear Refuge leans by faith.
But take faith away, then in vain I call to God. There is no other road betwixt my soul and Heaven. Blockade the road, and how can I communicate with the Great King?
Faith links me with Divinity. Faith clothes me with the power of Jehovah. Faith insures every attribute of God in my defence. It helps me to defy the hosts of hell. It makes me march triumphant over the necks of my enemies. But without faith how can I receive anything from the Lord?
Oh then, Christian, watch well thy faith. “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”
Buried Alive for 14 Hours! Story of Forgiveness
In this live stream, Vlad Savchuk interviews Frida Umuhoza, who miraculously survived the Rwanda Genocide after being buried alive for 14 hours. She has a remarkable story to tell of forgiveness offered to the killers of her whole family following her acceptance of Jesus Christ as her Saviour.
Listen to Frida and watch this powerful testimony of forgiveness!
An Intimate Message From God To You
Mr Chacko Thomas (right) is presently a Minister-at-large with Operation Mobilisation. He served for 15 years on OM Ships Logos, Doulos, and Logos II. His ministry has taken him to 107 countries in six continents. One of his few passions is to see the earth filled with the knowledge of the Lord and His values blessing the nations.
The extracts below are from his Easter 2023 article "JESUS LIVES, JESUS LIVES". Read the full article here.
The Wonder of His Resurrection:
On that Resurrection morning, before the disciples met the risen Lord, they were shown the empty tomb and the grave clothes that were wrapped around His body for burial. His body was absent but the grave clothes proved that no one had tampered with the dead body. The huge stone was rolled away, so that they could look in and even go in and examine the tomb closely. This was followed by eleven recorded appearances (and disappearances) of the Risen Lord, appearing to varying numbers of believers over a period of 40 days in varying places. Space will not allow me to write about each appearance. But I shall give the relevant references for those who would want to look them up: Mark 16:9; Matthew 28:9; Luke 24:15; 24:34; 24:36; John 20:26; 21:1; 1 Corinthians 15:6; 7; Matthew 28:17; Luke 24:50-51. “They lasted only 40 days and they led, not into disintegration, but to profound joy and wholeness,” observes Rev. Michael Green.
Jesus Said, “Because I live, you shall also live!” John 14:19
Exactly twenty years ago, my wife and I faced the unthinkable. Our son passed away due to cancer. But God met with us. It was time to practice what we have been preaching. We knew, because of what the Lord has done for us, we will see him again before the Throne. So with tears in our eyes and joy in our hearts we said goodbye to our 17 years’ old son. Written on his tombstone are the words of the Lord Jesus “Because I live, you shall also live.” We look forward to the great reunion day.
Jesus Lives!
The Vine and the Branches: special words from Jesus in John Chapter 15, vv 1 - 17
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other.
"LORD, I AM GOING NO FURTHER THAN BIRMINGHAM" Chapter 6 of "Schizophrenia Defeated"
Within a year, I was beginning to notice a vast improvement in my condition through working at Sheffield. Philip, now 16, was pressing me to take him on holiday to Majorca in the summer of 1987. I couldn’t really afford it without taking out a £300 loan from Girobank, but I felt it was right for us to make the trip.
A few weeks before going, I decided to reduce the frequency of taking injections. It would be no use being on holiday and unable to join him in doing things. Injections sometimes made me feel tired and I didn’t want to spoil the break for him by sleeping half the time.
I was pleasantly surprised that the staggering of the injections from every fortnight to three weeks, and then to a month, in the weeks leading up to going did not have an adverse effect. I was thrilled I had the energy to do things in his company. The excitement of driving him on a scooter around the island was a great experience, to say nothing of beating him at tennis!
Returning from the holiday feeling greatly strengthened, I decided to try again with Christian Friendship Fellowship. Pam had lovingly and wisely told me the night before she passed away that I ought to marry again for my sake and for the children’s.
Tina and James in love with each other
Tina's father and stepmother, with James: Their faithful, unfailing prayers helped me through to freedom and sustained Tina in her amazing ministry of the love of Jesus Christ to me.
Perhaps now was the right time after six years to make another overture. In a short but pointed prayer, I told God one day about the decision, saying, “I’ll try again Lord, but I’m going no further than Birmingham.” God certainly heard my cry. For it was from Birmingham that He was going to provide help with a deliverance ministry on the pathway to freedom and healing.
I selected Tina’s name from an old list which stated her interest in meeting someone with a “regular prayer life”. She later told me that during her days of leading the dating agency’s group in the Halesowen area of the West Midlands she had met many males who, though interested in a relationship, seemed to lack that requirement. Her few clearly stated lines were meant to ward off anyone less dedicated than that!
The details which appeared on the quarterly handout captured my attention. They said something to the effect: “Christina Winterburn, d.o.b. 1944, born-again Christian, interested in friendship, companionship, possibly marriage, likes cooking, travel, embroidery, Bible study. Requirements: someone with a regular prayer life.”
She had relinquished the job of leader of the Halesowen group as she was being swamped by many “agony aunt” calls from women desperate to find someone. She had cancelled her membership altogether and was just another name among many that I had kept from previous years of handouts. She was surprised to receive a call from someone desiring a meeting.
This was pretty evident on the day I phoned. I caught her unprepared, but left brief personal details including my telephone number. She was to mislay these but prayed that if it was right to follow me up, God would bring my name back to mind, which He did. She eventually located me in the phone book, rang me and then we began corresponding.
In her second letter Tina wrote:
“I thought I would let you know more fully my connection with Christian Friendship Fellowship. I am still associated with CFF and receive the lists/news and letters, but for three or four years I haven’t written to anyone on the lists. In the first few months when I joined, I did write about half a dozen letters but found the contacts not really committed to Christ.
“So then, I got involved in leading the local group here, but after three years of being at the helm I felt someone else should take over. I handed over the leadership in June this year [1987]. Originally, I joined because I felt isolated as a single person in my church. Also I felt quite lonely (for the first time in my life) and felt the need to venture out of my orbit and make friends.
“I have made some lovely female friends in CFF and been blessed through their friendship. The few males I’ve met my age have been mainly divorcees with outstanding problems, so I haven’t wanted to get involved in any way. Some felt quite hurt because I wouldn’t go out with them, but I have always tried to be firm, straight and kind.
“To be honest, when you phoned me at first I felt quite defensive because of previous CFF contacts. I realised you were a definite committed Christian, though, and that kindled an interest, so that is the reason I phoned you back when I returned from holiday. Also, I sensed I had been somewhat abrupt to you when you first phoned me.”
I discovered through corresponding that she was a former missionary with Operation Mobilisation in France and India and now worked as a practice nurse. It was a pleasant surprise to be told that her father, Maurice Winterburn, a retired Church of England vicar, had also attended Cliff College like myself. I purposely left out in my letters to her any mention of my mental condition or the numerous visits to psychiatric hospitals, thinking it would jeopardise chances of a lasting relationship.
After writing a few letters to each other, I invited Tina to come to Chesterfield for a day out. Our first meeting went well, starting with a lunch date in the town centre and followed by a visit to the picturesque grounds of Chatsworth House. It was a bright, late autumn day as we walked the spacious grounds, and I soon made up my mind that I liked Tina, and suggested a second date to which she agreed. She returned home to tell her father and stepmother that, to use her own words, she thought she might possibly have met the man she would marry.
Article appearing in New Life Christian Newspaper - May 2021
Listen to 'Delivered And Healed From Schizophrenia After 26 Years'
James's amazing story of the faithfulness of God and the power of prayer
(after you have clicked the button, the audio will play on your device as an mp3 file)
A PRAYER OF HOPE FOR THOSE SUFFERING WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA: “Lord God Almighty, will you hear my prayer and make the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus Christ real to me. Wipe away my sins that were atoned for on the Cross of Calvary by Jesus in order that I might not have to die eternally. I believe that Jesus took all my sins and my sorrows and made them His very own and after three days He rose again from the dead and now makes intercession for me. By the power of His shed blood, I believe I am now set free and opened up to all the resources of His grace and power. I am looking forward to the day – why not today – when the evil bondage of schizophrenia surrounding my mind is totally defeated. I ask You, Heavenly Father, to help me drive out the dark, spiritual presence by the light and power of your conquering Holy Spirit’s presence. I want to know the reality of the promise Jesus made that whoever follows him will not walk in darkness but will have the Light of Life. Make it happen for me, as I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.
God is always working to get us "back on our feet again." He is well able to do it for YOU.
This video by Canton Junction from Godtube is sent out to all our website visitors who long for freedom over schizophrenia.
Receive sure and certain HOPE from Jesus Christ that He is moved with compassion to bring you through your present struggles and establish you "back on your feet again" in His victorious life and freedom.
"If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free," said Jesus (John 8:31-32).
A warm welcome to our world ministry of offering real hope to schizophrenics and anyone mentally assailed.
Our website Pray Until Schizophrenia Heals exists to proclaim with a trumpet voice that the love and victory of Jesus Christ is today’s only answer out of mental bondage into lasting joyous freedom.
For 26 long years, I was enslaved in a schizophrenic mental prison house until in 1990 Jesus Christ delivered me and two minutes later healed my mind. It took a further 12 years to return to life as I knew it before the illness dawned in 1964.
In 2004, I released my life story, Schizophrenia Defeated, detailing a long, hard prayer battle into freedom in order to give hope, new understanding of the disease and a new strategy to unlock the gates of insanity of this invisible enemy.
It is our prayer that as you view our site, you will sense something of the compassion of Jesus which fills our hearts and lives to spread the message that His love and power can still bring His glorious freedom TODAY no matter how helpless and hopeless you may feel life has become.
With our love and prayers
James and Tina Stacey
We are told in the book of Acts, chapter 2, verse 17, that “... your old men shall dream dreams.” The painting by the artist Rebekah Laue is a portrayal of her husband’s prophetic dream. She pondered the dream for many years before she was able to capture it’s essence on canvas.
In his dream, Peter saw a rock wall with an ordinary stick lying nearby. He was prompted to pick it up and beat vigorously on the wall. Nothing happened! Then he saw a lion’s paw at his feet. He dropped the stick, picked up the paw and barely touched the wall. As he did, the wall began to crumble.
Peter awoke weeping and trembling as he experienced new authority, purpose, power, and confidence streaming into every fiber of his being. In lieu of a lion’s paw he has acquired a real sword, which he now uses in spiritual combat.
The stick is symbolic of man using his own strength and wisdom to tear down strongholds. The rock wall is symbolic of those walls around our hearts that imprison us and cause us to be isolated from God and one another.
The Hebrew letters on the rocks represent strongholds such as hate, anger, revenge, rebellion, witchcraft, bitterness, pride, fear, unbelief, unforgiveness, lust, idolatry, greed, gluttony, jealousy, self-pity, legalism, and man’s traditions.
The sword issuing from the lion’s mouth is the Sword of the Lord, which is the Word of God. The lion portrays Jesus Christ as revealed in the book of Revelation, chapter 5: “... Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed...”
The truth in the painting shall march throughout the land like a banner and confront the strongholds that imprison us. Has God singled you out to carry that banner and address those strongholds? Before saying YES or NO, count the cost or the opportunity lost! TAKE A STAND! TAKE BACK THE LAND!
A letter has been received from a Christian in Papatoetoe, New Zealand stating: "I am a fan of your Weekly Encourager for it exposes the underlying causes of schizophrenia whereas most other websites on the subject matter do not".
All Things Are Possible Through Believing Prayer
Not only has the Saviour of the world defeated Satan and the demonic bondage but He continues to impart His power to maintain and enlarge the freedom He brings.
When God sets free His freedom BRINGS LASTING VICTORY!
Click the video clip - right
CLICK ON THE BOOK COVER to read the WHOLE of the book "Schizophrenia Defeated" and celebrate the gift of God's Son, Jesus Christ, who permanently delivered and healed me after 26 years of suffering the schizophrenia bondage. Click on the image - right - to read the book in its Spanish version.
Author's Information:
The book is an autobiography of an amazing deliverance and healing from the evil of schizophrenia after 26 years. It is an inspiring human interest story of triumph and hope over the worst kind of psychotic illness for which there is no present-day medical answer.
The strengths and appeals of the 16 Chapters embrace several thrilling themes:
1. The power of the faithfulness and love of God is supreme 2. The remarkable perseverance and endurance of my first wife Pamela, who died in 1981, and of my present wife, Tina, who were both inspired by God's love in helping me to freedom 3. The relevance of the power of prayer to cast out the demonic bondage, and revelations about the illness which throw light on the burning question - "Is it in the genes or is it demonic?" 4. Here is the answer for the medical world impotent to bring a lasting solution to the illness of schizophrenia 5. There is clear evidence for the church who can't make up its mind whether genuine born-again Christians, like myself, can still have evil spirits enslaving their lives
The account charts my "history" of schizophrenia and how I was affected by rejection in my mother's life from the time of conception. It details life up to teenage years, starting work as a journalist and the outbreak of the illness shortly after leaving Bible College. Visits to psychiatric hospitals, struggles with a growing nest of evil spirits taking up residence in my life and eager to destroy me, the inability of Christians to help me, are all recorded from a memory amazingly preserved by the Holy Spirit despite perpetual onslaught. Self-deliverance and healing by the power of the Holy Spirit within a matter of minutes are graphically described, as is the return to normal life after more than a third of a lifetime in bondage. James
"A road map to victory for every person diagnosed with schizophrenia – every psychiatrist and counsellor needs to read it.” Peter Laue of Stretcher Bearers for Christ USA
11 Year-Old Proclaims Jesus Through the Bible - POWERFUL! Josiah Willis is an 11 year-old with a heart on fire for Christ! Listen to this AMAZING proclamation of Jesus throughout the entire Bible. It will leave you in awe and speechless!
Jesus replied: “If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.” John’s Gospel 14: 23-24
The One Year Bible Plan - Appearing Week by Week January 10th - 25th, 2025
Jan 10~ Genesis 23:1-24:51 ~ Matthew 8:1-17 ~ Psalm 9:13-20 ~ Proverbs 3:1-6 Jan 11~ Genesis 24:52-26:16 ~ Matthew 8:18-34 ~ Psalm 10:1-15 ~ Proverbs 3:7-8 Jan 12~ Genesis 26:17-27:46 ~ Matthew 9:1-17 ~ Psalm 10:16-18 ~ Proverbs 3:9-10 Jan 13~ Genesis 28:1-29:35 ~ Matthew 9:18-38 ~ Psalm 11:1-7 ~ Proverbs 3:11-12 Jan 14~ Genesis 30:1-31:16 ~ Matthew 10:1-23 ~ Psalm 12:1-8 ~ Proverbs 3:13-15 Jan 15~ Genesis 31:17-32:12 ~ Matthew 10:24-11:6 ~ Psalm 13:1-6 ~ Proverbs 3:16-18 Jan 16~ Genesis 32:13-34:31 ~ Matthew 11:7-30 ~ Psalm 14:1-7 ~ Proverbs 3:19-20 Jan 17~ Genesis 35:1-36:43 ~ Matthew 12:1-21 ~ Psalm 15:1-5 ~ Proverbs 3:21-26 Jan 18~ Genesis 37:1-38:30 ~ Matthew 12:22-45 ~ Psalm 16:1-11 ~ Proverbs 3:27-32 Jan 19~ Genesis 39:1-41:16 ~ Matthew 12:46-13:23 ~ Psalm 17:1-15 ~ Proverbs 3:33-35 Jan 20~ Genesis 41:17-42:17 ~ Matthew 13:24-46 ~ Psalm 18:1-15 ~ Proverbs 4:1-6 Jan 21~ Genesis 42:18-43:34 ~ Matthew 13:47-14:12 ~ Psalm 18:16-36 ~ Proverbs 4:7-10 Jan 22~ Genesis 44:1-45:28 ~ Matthew 14:13-36 ~ Psalm 18:37-50 ~ Proverbs 4:11-13 Jan 23~ Genesis 46:1-47:31 ~ Matthew 15:1-28 ~ Psalm 19:1-14 ~ Proverbs 4:14-19 Jan 24~ Genesis 48:1-49:33 ~ Matthew 15:29-16:12 ~ Psalm 20:1-9 ~ Proverbs 4:20-27 Jan 25~ Genesis 50:1 - Exodus 2:10 ~ Matthew 16:13-17:9 ~ Psalm 21:1-13 ~ Proverbs 5:1-6
Well-known Baptist preacher, Charles H. Spurgeon, commenting on Psalm 119 verse 15 says: “Hearing, reading, marking, and learning, all require inwardly digesting to complete their usefulness, and the inward digesting of the truth lies for the most part in meditating upon it. Why is it that some Christians, although they hear many sermons, make but slow advances in the divine life? Because they neglect their closets, and do not thoughtfully meditate on God’s Word. They love the wheat, but they do not grind it; they would have the corn, but they will not go forth into the fields to gather it; the fruit hangs upon the tree, but they will not pluck it; the water flows at their feet, but they will not stoop to drink it. From such folly deliver us, O Lord, and be this our resolve this morning, “I will meditate on your precepts.”
In his book, Prayer Life, Andrew Murray teaches: “Little of the Word with little prayer is death to the spiritual life. Much of the Word with little prayer gives a sickly life. Much prayer with little of the Word gives more life, but without steadfastness. A full measure of the Word and prayer each day gives a healthy and powerful life.”
By Charles Haddon Spurgeon
This is the voice of unalterable truth. In none of the Jewish ceremonies were sins, even typically, removed without blood-shedding. In no case, by no means can sin be pardoned without atonement. It is clear, then, that there is no hope for me out of Christ; for there is no other blood-shedding which is worth a thought as an atonement for sin. Am I, then, believing in Him? All men are on a level as to their need of Him. If we be never so moral, generous, amiable, or patriotic, the rule will not be altered to make an exception for us. Sin will yield to nothing less potent than the blood of Him whom God hath set forth as a propitiation. What a blessing that there is the one way of pardon! Why should we seek another?
Persons of merely formal religion cannot understand how we can rejoice that all our sins are forgiven us for Christ’s sake. Their works, and prayers, and ceremonies, give them very poor comfort; and well may they be uneasy for they are neglecting the one great salvation, and endeavouring to get remission without blood. My soul, sit down, and behold the justice of God as bound to punish sin; see that punishment al executed upon your Lord Jesus, and fall down in humble joy, and kiss the dear feet of Him whose blood has made atonement for you. It is in vain when conscience is aroused to fly to feelings and evidences for comfort; this is a habit which we learned in the Egypt of our legal bondage. The only restorative for a guilty conscience is a sight of Jesus suffering on the cross. “The blood is the life thereof,” says the Levitical law, and let us rest assured that it is the life of faith and joy and every other holy grace.
Extract from "There is hope for the schizophrenic"
Chapter 16 of Schizophrenia Defeated:
As my testimony has shown, I had the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life before my illness went into full bloom in my early twenties. Without that power I would have been unable to fight the evil presence of schizophrenia.
I also had a tremendously long period after healing and deliverance had taken place to allow myself to "catch up" on 26 years in which I had not developed and grown normally.
BUT GOD DID IT! The years after healing and deliverance were times of slow but definite progress, requiring most of all a dependency on the Holy Spirit to teach, correct, inspire and show those things I needed to know. I needed Tina's help too, and the prayers of friends, to get me there.
I suffered for a very long time from severe schizophrenia. I recently turned 28. My world began to unravel in college. With an incapacitated mind I was forced to quit. From the age of nineteen to twenty-four off and on I would lose and regain my life fighting for my sanity. I fought for two-and-a-half years until I was finally delivered by Jesus Christ our Messiah on July 25, 2009.
The hell I endured to freedom was no easy road. Everyone forsook me. Everyone. Including the church. There was only one that never deserted me. And that was Jesus. He held me all the way through. Even when I was hospitalized and the demons put me in a coma and was left for dead!! When I didn’t want to live anymore, God wanted me to live and refused to let me go.
Schizophrenia is a hellish thing. Only those of us who have been in its grip can truly understand one another. It cost me my livelihood and relationships. As I was searching and crying out to God for help, close friends ultimately gave up on me, of whom were “believers”. I dealt with constant misunderstandings. I faced character defamation, gossip from an entire congregation, abandonment and false judgements by those who claim they understood but were dead wrong. But I kept crying out to God. I kept pleading with Him to reveal what was happening. It is surreal to practically lose your mind overnight and now know why.
Despite the disturbance I grew close to the Lord. This of course stirred up spirits that had rights tied to my generational line. You see, schizophrenia is usually passed down the line from the sins of the father. It takes a fiery persistence to continue offering up prayers and banging on the doors of heaven until the angel tips the bowls. If you ask the Father, shall He give you a stone? Absolutely not.
I kept banging and asking, and banging and asking until He answered and opened the door. The inferno of psyche was so unbelievably torturous it was uncanny. Quite honestly, I did not want to make it through. To be martyred would have been sweet. And I do not say that lightly.
I was on a run for my very life from Satan and his hordes. The battle to get free was so intense, medically speaking I should not be alive. But Hallelujah! We who have been adopted by the precious blood of Jesus do no not belong to the medical field – we belong to Jesus Christ of Nazareth! I am a walking miracle, dear ones!! I searched high and low for someone who cared enough to fight for me and with me. Brethren of three years deserted me and left me for dead. Literally. Then Brethren took me and prayed for me in their home the first time I met them.
For two-and-a-half-years, I stared hell in the face. I had to bite the bullet in many crippling situations and go from place to place receiving deliverance here and there because I was such a mess; people who were practising deliverance thought I must have done something so bad that they didn’t want to touch me.
I was tortured in the psychiatric units by physicians of whom I am certain were Satanists. I was locked into solitary confinement in a cold square space with nothing but a flimsy hospital frock on. However, angels were assigned from heaven and I was supernaturally delivered out of the hands of the wicked.
What got me through all of this? It’s a simple answer. I held on tightly to the robe of Jesus. Though I wanted to go to heaven, I couldn’t. It wasn’t my time. I was given a promise from God that gave me the will to live. He promised if I would just hold on He would give me a family, that which I never had – and wanted. So I refused to give up and give in to Satan and fought for it.
This is the point, dear friends. The blood of Jesus Christ is alive and powerful. It is sufficient and doesn’t need any medical tweaking. It is your only hope. Don’t give up. You know why? Because of this glorious truth and one of my favorite passages... “And having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it!” Colossians 2:15. Oh, hallelujah! All glory to the Lamb of God who overcame the enemy and bought us back! How sweet is His victory! He is always steps ahead of our enemies plans and there is nothing He does not see. He is in total control. He sees you and your pain. He has not forgotten you.
Listen! I can honestly say, I have suffered the loss of all things. In every area. There are moments I can’t bear to think of all that’s happened to me. Time being the most invaluable. I never got to be 18,20,21,22,23,24. Formidable years. Time froze and stood still and many years I don’t remember. But one thing I do and will continue to set before me. This world is not my home and I must press forward with what remains and fight for others. I have resolved to forget what lies behind and press onward.
“I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and made it my own yet; but one thing I do it is my one aspiration; forgetting what lies behind and straining to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the supreme and heavenly prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward. Philippians 3:13-14.
I trust the Lord with the entirety of my life. Whether I live or whether I die, I am His. He has delivered me from the power of darkness and translated me into His glorious kingdom of light. I am forever indebted to Him and tears well up as I write to you because I know that what He has done for me He can do for you. He is no respecter of persons and loves his children all the same.
Bethany jumping for joy after being set free by Jesus from schizophrenia.
I thank our Father for everything. I would not want to do it again, but what I have gained from the vestibules of heaven can never compare to any earthly thing. For what have I gained? Christ Himself! I have been set free from death and sin! GLORY.. GLORY..GLORY!!! I could never have gained such intimacy with Jesus - wisdom, knowledge, and understanding I now possess. Such are the acquired gems which only suffering can buy.
Jesus came to destroy the works of the enemy. I will fight against Satan in the strength of Jesus with all I have until my last breath for what he did to me - and because I have pledged myself to heaven. Keep your head up and look up for our redemption is drawing nigh and is closer than it has ever been. If I can do it, you can do it. I had no money, no support. And I am alive and free ... completely free! “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony”, Revelation 12:11. Jesus Christ alone is your source and He is never empty. He will never let you go. I send you my love. Even so come Lord Jesus! Amen. In Jesus Bethany Behney
At the age of 22 Nick Griemsmann was led astray by a cult. The downward spiral that followed led to a battle with mental illness, but his deliverance from "incurable" schizophrenia stands to testify of the power of being God's friend.
The interview is available to view at Sid Roth's web site Used with permission.
SID: Welcome, welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My next guest had incurable "schizophrenia." He was touched by the power of God, set free and then became an administrator in the institution he was hospitalized in, 50 employees under him. Now I asked my personal doctor, Dr. Dietry, last night a question on the phone. "He went off all medicine, all medication, Doctor. To your knowledge, what happens to a schizophrenic that takes no medicine?"
DOCTOR: That's a good question. It's an unbelievable phenomenon, schizophrenia. When you come off medication, provided the medication was helping in the first place, you get an extra [unintelligible] a spike of hallucinations, ideations and delusions. It's not a very pretty sight.
SID: Have you ever heard of someone that's diagnosed with schizophrenia? Oh, I forgot one more thing. In a few years, he was supposed to be catatonic. That was the diagnosis. A thousand pages of diagnosis, Doctor. Have you ever heard of such a thing?
DOCTOR: Personally, I have never seen anybody come off of medication and be normal.
SID: Well but I have to tell you, Doctor, he is not normal according to the world. He is normal according to the Word of God. So Nick Griemsmann was raised in a secular home. His father left at age, when he was age eight. He got addicted to pornography at 10. At 21, he was a full-blown alcoholic and he was a bartender. But at age 23, you know, we take a lot of things for granted, at age 23, he's an alcoholic, he's a drug addict, he's a mess. I'm just saying it, Nick. And he gets a little tract about the Messiah, and he calls the person on the phone, because there was a phone number on this tract. And what happened?
NICK: The woman on the phone, she was really nice, and she asked me a question, she said something about, "Are you, have you received Jesus?" And I asked her, "What does that actually mean because so many people tell me different things about Christianity and I was studying different religions like Islam and Judaism, different sects in Christianity, and things like that. And so, "What does it really mean to receive Jesus?" And she said, "It's easy. The Bible says you can confess Jesus as Lord and he will come into your life." And so I said this simple prayer and he came into my heart, and totally changed me.
SID: What happened to your drug addiction, your alcoholism?
NICK: When I said this prayer, it was so incredible. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was on the phone with her and I prayed this simple prayer of faith. I had just faith in God at the time. I said the name of Jesus. And the moment I said the name of Jesus this liquid love came upon me, and for the first time, I knew I was completely free from all my sin, alcoholism, drugs. I had a sexuality immorality I was into, you know the lifestyle of a bartender, and God completely set me free from that.
SID: You know, only God could do something like that. But then right behind the devil came up to him when that seed was planted, immediately, he came up to him because Nick now wants to live for God. And he goes on the Internet and he finds out there's a place where the guy says he's one of the End Time prophets and they'll give him food, they'll give him shelter, they'll train him. It sounded pretty good.
NICK: Absolutely. I was trying to find a good church and I found this online. And I thought, wow, I can leave all my old friends and leave my family, and all the troubles I used to have, and I can serve Jesus with my whole heart, because I really loved God.
SID: But it turned out to be a cult. The first crack that you saw in this cult was two of the senior members having a disagreement.
NICK: Yeah. One thing that the cult would preach, that they were sinless. They would say that they never sin or anything like that. And I was there and the men, one night they started arguing over something and they were like almost like throwing blows at each other and swearing. And I thought, they're preaching that they're sinless, but it doesn't look like they are sinless. And my heart started going, well maybe this really, maybe what they're telling me isn't all the truth.
SID: But you were so scared because they had this, was it a cassette, that you would have to listen to? And what was the warning it gave you?
NICK: In the cassettes, the prophet, the false prophet, he would say that if we left the church, because they said that they are the one true church, if we left the church it meant that we lost our salvation, blaspheming the Holy Spirit. So as you know, if you're a young person in God and you don't really know anything, I believed it and I was very afraid that if I left or talked to my family, they said my family was of the devil, I couldn't talk to them. And they said that I would go to Hell if I did anything wrong or if I left the church, or said anything about the person in charge there.
SID: But he had such a heart for God. He was crying out and crying out. And one day, he takes off. He ends up in the Nashville Airport. What happened, Nick?
NICK: Well I entered the Nashville Airport and at this time, I started hearing voices in my mind. Before I left the cult, I actually started getting voices in my mind and I thought they were angels, and I thought God was speaking directly to my mind. And so I would listen to these voices. And I was, they would say things and they'd say bad things. And when I was in the Nashville Airport I was going to go to a phone to call my family to pick me up. And the voices came to me and said, "You need to go and you need to make a scene and yell, and scream, and praise God in the middle of the baggage claim area in Nashville Airport." But I really loved God and I thought God—
SID: So you were willing to do anything for God. I wish, even though it was the wrong voice, I wish more Christians would be willing to do whatever God said. So they picked him up obviously. He's diagnosed schizophrenic. He's told in a few years he'll be in a catatonic state. He goes home to be with his family and his mother insists he go to a little Assembly of God Church.
SID: So my guest, Nick Griemsmann, had incurable schizophrenia. Nick, what is like to have schizophrenia?
NICK: Sid, if you could imagine, if you take a vice, a metal vice with spikes in it, and if you take this vice and you put it on your head like a helmet and then you start screaming in your head evil profane things, blaspheming God, you know, different things like that, the blasphemy, the yelling in the head to kill yourself, that there's no hope, and this cap would be on your head, and they tell you that it will never leave.
SID: So you go to this Assembly of God Church, you go up to the altar and someone begins to pray for you. What happened?
NICK: A nice man and his wife, they were praying over me and this spiritual force, I felt it, it lifted out of my head that night. It just lifted out of my head and at that moment I knew, I knew—
SID: What did you actually know? When this spiritual force lifted, what were, did you know?
NICK: Well I knew two things. One, that I was completely healed of schizophrenia at that moment. But two, I knew that there was some sort of evil nest of some type of spiritual force that some of it actually left, and I had hoped that I could pursue Jesus to receive my complete deliverance.
SID: So that was your first hope after all the stuff you went through. Okay. So you, step by step, the Holy Spirit directed you to do different things. I'm going to take you to your parents' swimming pool. What, tell me what the Holy Spirit was teaching you and what you were doing?
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour”. Luke 4 verse 18